Bite-sized learning, big time impact webinars
Every Thursday 12:30 - 1:30

“I’m always disappointed if I miss these webinars. So useful!”

Mia Seymour, Aim High Accountants

Upcoming sessions ...
24/10/24 - From Procrastination To Productivity! - Kim Searle, The Inner Game Coach

31/10/24 - From Garden Shed To £ Million Firm - Phil Ellerby, Northern Accountants

07/11/24 - How To Free Up 15 Hours Each Week - Alexis Kingsbury, AirManual

14/11/24 - Key Processes For An Efficient Business - Pramith Naidu, QX Accounting Services

Award winning accountants and industry experts selflessly share their expertise and experience with you.

Get practical, topical tips and ideas on...

  • Helping clients through advisory
  • Attracting better quality clients
  • Reflecting your true worth in your fees
  • Motivating your team
  • Raising your profile
  • Automating your practice

...and much, much more.

When you register, we’ll send you details of upcoming presentations – you decide whether to tune in that week.

***PLUS – you’ll optionally receive a free copy of Shane Lukas’s best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice.***

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These webinars give you.
Practice growth advice, delivered by your peers in the profession; multi award winning accountants share best practice growth and advisory advice with you.
Business strategies from globally recognised industry experts and successful business entrepreneurs; strategies that you can apply to your practice and share with your clients to help them improve their business.
Automation techniques; whether it's great cloud software or systemisation, leveraging your time through automating your practice is crucial for growth.
Topical legislation updates in plain English digestible chunks
And much, much, more; the topics are wide ranging and endless but always pertinent and valuable to you.
“Reassuring, common sense advice combined with new ideas for navigating unusual times!” 

Charlotte Karacaaslan, The Accountancy Space

Your host, Shane Lukas, AVN

Shane Lukas author of many business growth books for Accountants including best sellers  "Putting Excellence into Practice" and "What's Next for Accountants.". 

For over 23 years Shane's business AVN has helped thousands of accountants to achieve their dream practice which gives them their dream lifestyle.

By registering, you'll automatically receive a free copy of Shane's latest book, "Putting Excellence Into Practice".

Why join us?

It can be lonely running an accountancy business, even with other partners.  And tapping in to the valuable knowledge of others can be the catalyst for growth.

These webinars aren’t one way delivery, we welcome comments and questions – and we love to get into dialogue with you so we can tailor the webinars to what you really want.

Every week there are different topics...

What accountants are saying about these webinars...

Andy Horvath: Shane, AVN is a wonderful organisation and grateful for all the help given. It is wonderful that all members

help each other.

Angeline Muzamhindo: These sessions have been brilliant for me. Trying to adopt to my environment here in South Africa

Barry Shaw: These sessions provide so much information and are so inspiring and motivating to help work through our issues!

Bob Sculthorpe: I look forward to these weekly sessions and have suggested to local accountants to spread their network

Brendan Magee: The "Accountants Helping Accountants" sessions have been invaluable during lockdown, Shane.

Informative and Uplifting.

Chris Smith: The AVN hosted weekly webinars have been really valuable to inspire me to change my practice,

and I find all of the contributors give pertinent advice for current issues.

Gavin McBride: Fantastic sessions with lots of great ideas and tips from other like minded firms

Gordon D'Silva: Shane,, these one hour calls are full of gold. Thanks for the trouble you go through

every week, and your contributors… :-)

Jamal Hammoud: Ideal for sole practitioners who can't see the wood for the trees

John Truss: Again something which helps all firms of accountants to develop themselves and give

value to clients to run their business

Libby Berg: Love the regular updates, always covering new ground and hearing great stories from fellow accountants

Mia Seymour: I'm always disappointed if I miss these webinars. So useful!

Philip Wood: Really great ideas and we never stop learning - even old buggers like me!

Ram A R: Shane, you have been wonderful…lots of learning from your sessions…Ram from Dubai

Roy Lyness: Excellent session as always Shane thank you

Vijay Shah: attended every week and got something from it every session

Wendy Dunmore: Valuable, inspiring, motivating and great coach Emma


Alan : Can't always manage the time to fit these webinars in but they are brilliant    

 Andrew Hardy : They have all been brilliant and may I say of high value.    

 Brendan Magee: "Accountants helping Accountants" has been REALLY helpful in helping me to help my

clients during lockdown.  Full of timely info, positive and uplifting.

 Clair Tyler-Waddington: Great information, shared freely and helpfully.  

 Donald Owens: This one was the best so far. 

 Fiona McAllister: Great to connect, feel supported and get inspiration from other accountant business

owners. It's an amazing resource.   

 Graham Down: Shane, Kirsty, Dan and Karl again thank you.  Thursday lunchtimes are becoming my favourite time of the week!    

 Herschel Santineer: These webinars are unmissable. Such great content and all current. Invaluable.   

 Jamal Hammoud: Always pick useful insights    

 Jan Buckett: An hour really well spent   

 Jan Szczepanski: Always adding value    

 Josef Zbaraski: fabulous idea these meetings, a quick summaries are brilliant    

 Lee Fallon: The weekly webinars offer so much value and a fantastic use of an hour every week.

Can’t recommend them enough. Thanks Shane and the AVN team and also all the speakers every week.   

 Linda McLachlan: Really useful info & hear from others in the business    

 Paul Jackson: every meeting gives you value    

 Robert Harris: The points on positioning were just great.    

 Shaun Browne: Excellent use of our valuable time!    

 Steven Carey: you cannot have too much support, and these give you great ideas from people just like us.   

 Steven Pitchford: great to hear tips and updates and hear people success stories   

 Yoozrah Toorabally: The webinars specially during peak lockdown have been extremely valuable.

Aidan Crilly: lots of information good speakers and helpful

Alan Woods: This call has been great, I was on a call yesterday and something they said hit a chord with me which

was 'how do you want to be remembered when this is over?'  -  as Rob said earlier this is very much our time

to shine and we can and should be doing all that we can to help the business communities that we are all part of.

 Andrea Parness: great sessions, thanks for holding these, I, I absolutely identify with the "issues" and "recommendations"

 Andrew Hardy: Excellent presentation I have picked up so many useful tips to add to my own webinar to clients

the information is practical and very high value added thanks to all at AVN and especially to Shane and

Steve for their input. Mind you all panelists are excellent in their own way

 Andrew Panayides: a hand brake stop during the busy day - a time to reflect and share 

 Andy Cristin: Great timely advice for accountants

 Anthony Weeks: These webinars are absolutely invaluable, its great to hear the opinions of so many highly qualified

professional, so clearly expressed. Thank you so much to everyone involved

 Ben Sharp: I am finding these sessions as one of the highlights of my week at the moment. They are inspiring, and

often provide a great amount of information and new ideas.

 Bobbie Brown: definitely finding these webinars invaluable.  Both knowledge background but also some support

to keep us going in terms of fighting fire.   I loved the analogy A&E department for businesses - it certainly seems that way

 Carol Williams: This is also my first webinar and I have gained a wealth of knowledge you panellists and just want to thank you for

giving up your time to educate us as this information is invaluable.

 Charlotte Karacaaslan: Reassuring, common sense advice combined with new ideas for navigating unusual times!

 Christine Vaughan: Brill, focussed information professionals - thanks so much,

 Christopher Darby: I love the optimism and values Steve, the toolkit to help clients in SB will be really useful, I can use it

with my best clients

 Dinesh Dave: very useful and excellent tips and pointers. AVN is very valuable. I personally get a lot of positive ideas albeit I am

a small accountant dealing with compliance.

 Emma Sheehan : This is my first webinar I have attended and I will now be coming each day without fail as the information provided

in invaluable, not only for myself as an accountant but also to be passed on to my clients.  Given me a ray of light at the end of a

dark tunnel.  Great work guys

 Fiona McAllister: Actually felt quite moved there Steve. Perhaps its possible to put some positive silver lining on this horrible

crisis. Thank you you've made me feel a bit less tired and overwhelmed.

 Gareth Westwood: Excellent, thank you, inspiring, and great for the mental health , clearing the overwhelm!!!

 Gordon D'Silva: This is a great panel, thanks for putting it together Shane, thanks all of you for you brilliant contributions.

 Gordon D'Silva: The power of a mastermind - demonstrated. Love it.

 Graham Down: Really useful for keeping up to date, generating ideas and inspiration. Thank you for another great session

 Graham Hedley: Relevant information, up to date news, expert speakers - inspiring!   (And I'm not even an accountant!)

 Helen Maxwell: Marvellous webinars.  Lots of advice and reassurance that you're not alone.  Raises issues that I hadn't even thought of yet.

 Isaac Benyah: Perfect, very insightful to know how Accountants are helping fellow Accountants

 Jamal Hammoud: AVN webinars are always enjoyable and energising.

 Jana Reid: Excellent webinar! So much relevant information and inspiration. So may wonderful panellists in one place.

 Jane Gilbert: Jane Gilbert  your insights are valuable to pass onto clients.

 Jane Nnadi: The webinar gives a fresh perspective on the role of Accountants in a time of crisis like this and even after the

pandemic and a need to rethink how we can provide value to our clients. Good thing about Accountants is that we can always

be relevant in any circumstance as long as we are willing to evolve and think out of the box.

 Jeffrey West : So motivating.  Will definitely join again. Thank you

 John Huggins: This may be helpful and it is has been an unexpected source of information, updated on a daily basis - look up your

local Chamber of Commerce, these people are helping all business to fight for their survival; also ACAS for furlough template letters

 Josef Zbaraski: practical updates on what is happening, useful advice on how to help clients and tips on keeping staff & yourself happy and focused

 Kay Westmorland: Amazing support for the profession, thank you all so much

 Linda McLachlan: Yes so useful to get a different & bigger perspective & hear other accountants & financial experts.

 Lynn Watson: I like the What to Do to help - bullet point information - Just so I don't have to think it through for myself

 Melissa Greenaway : Bringing accountants together to share valuable insights during a difficult and uncertain time. Great job AVN et al, I salute you

 Nadeem Raja: Thanks great support and inspiration the webinar that are running. Practical advice with some actionable motivation. Thanks

 Paul Rowlands: Excellent webinar, it helps to know that I'm not alone! Thanks

 Paul Saunders: Relevant Information not available elsewhere in one place.

 Peter Ogu: The topics covered and tips given were very valuable particularly at this time of crises.  Thank you very much to the team

 Peter Pollard: Thanks all. Absolutely superb. Lots of new ideas.

 Prashant Yadav: Thanks to all panellist. Very useful insights for active client services

 Richard Sykes : Great mix of topics and issues, top stuff!

 Shahbaz Munir : Great advise for us to motivate and help clients 

 Stephanie Fitzpatrick-Corkin: This was the most sensible hour I spent last week. Strong advice , and food for thought, and good activities/links

 Steve Pipe : So practical 

 Steve Pipe : Wow, what a great session

 Steven Pitchford: client focused and help orientated info than you

 Zahra Tekin: This was excellent and great. This was my first time and I will be joining you again, thank you all for your time

 Zoe Tomlinson: This is the first time I have joined you, the help has been refreshing and positive, I look forward to joining you again soon, thank you
