Free Practice Boosting Webclass 
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How to progress the
Accounting Business
Growth Journey
to success
Stop being stuck, overworked, underpaid and not future-ready
Even if You Feel Like You're Constantly Fighting Fires and Trapped in the Daily Grind
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"You'll be surprised to see the possibilities ahead for you and your practice."
What you'll discover
This Practice Boosting Webclass is split in to 3 parts...

Part 1: The cause of the effects

Everyone experiences problems in their practice. Either they're busy, stressed, under profitable or not fit for the future. These are often the symptoms of an underlying cause that we'll reveal in this session.

Part 2: Our secrets to a successful firm revealed: A proven pathway

The culmination of 25 years of successfully helping accountants increase profits and enjoyment, reduce hours and pressure. and future-proof their business. I'll share my blueprint.

Part 3: Future-Proof Your Practice

Discover how better leverage your time. So you can grow without working harder and build a resilient practice ready for tomorrow's challenges.

Delivered by Shane Lukas
Your Chief Inspiration Officer

Over the past 25 years, through his global coaching and training business, Shane and his team of experts have helped over 5000 accountants. They have supported them to double, treble and even exponentially grow their revenue and profits, achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations for their accounting business and, consequently, their own lives. 
